About Us
Shifting businesses
paradigms from
traditional to digital
Two Stones is a full service digital agency helping organisations globally in shifting their businesses paradigms from traditional to digital. With our customer centric approach, we’ve been transforming our client’s ideas into action since 2012. We have worked with 200+ clients with our capabilities in Brand Communication, User Experience Design, Web and Mobile Technology and Digital Marketing.

As a digital agency in Coimbatore, we constantly upgrade our way of approach with respect to different sectors and we tend to take on projects from the customer’s standpoint. We are a strong believer in ‘Mobile-First’ strategy, which emphasizes the fact that most businesses generate their leads through mobile-apps or responsive-websites.
We get what it’s like to have a marketing strategy which doesn’t yield any form of result, and yeah, it’s frustrating. At Two Stones, we pursued to take on digital transformation by a storm for our clients and our partners. We revolutionize the approach by transforming a traditional business and marketing method into digital.
“Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach”
A famous saying by Aristotle inspires our work ethic in building an online presence for our customers. However, not just the online presence, we help our customers understand how their business fairs in the market and preach how their business can be scaled further with the evolving market and shifting paradigms.
Client-Centric Approach
Two Stones, the digital agency, pilots a project after a clear understanding of the client. Once the value of the client is brought to the table at Two Stones, the team, the technology, the product and the service imbibe them to create the result that resounds the client’s value. Our Client-Centric approach not only is an understanding of the client but also of their customers, who are attracted to these values and are ready to consume.
Research & Insights
Two Stones, the digital agency, create unique products based on research and insights. 70% of the businesses see a slower rate of growth because of narrow research. Two Stones ensures to deliver and support the exact product that the client required with comprehensive research. The insight-driven approach results in products and services that generate maximum value and revenue to our clients. We keep the complete focus on driving results.

Years of
Teams on

“People do not buy goods and services, they buy relations, stories and magic.”